Significant Issues /Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes for Strategies Practice 1

LO1 - An understanding of theories, practices and methods which can influence and impact design and production, and how this knowledge might be creatively used to conceptualize, contextualize, and represent your work.

Developmental Comments for LO1

Supervisors comment are in the blue

My comments are in the red

You have explored a range of views relating to the creation of contemporary work, however these have not been effectively articulated to contextualize and conceptualize your work.  Your work explores techniques that have creative potential but your understanding of the symbolic and communicative ability of these techniques is not adequately explored or deconstructed.  

Although my work had creative potential I was struggling to put my work into context.  My research for Strategies one focussed more on process than context and concept. I was crossing over practices from Fine Art to Illustration and this was a major hiccup for me during this unit. This would help me better understand the development of my practice entering into the next unit Strategies Practice 2.

 LO2 - A conceptual and practical understanding of materials and techniques and an ability to deconstruct and critically evaluate relevant aspects of your practice.

Developmental Comments for LO2

The work develops some practical understanding of techniques and materials, however the conceptual understanding of these processes is under explored within the written component and presentation of work.

My research and body of work was tailored more towards process then concept, although I lacked concept to the level of the brief,  I feel I did have research and concept as a process driven practice. My work within Fine Art began as an idea and became more personal where illustration was more of a visual communication for a commercial audience.  This was something that I had to acclimate to as an illustrator.  This is where my work started to develop within the next unit as my methodologies helped me acquire narratives and a visual language.  

LO3 - An ability to articulate the position of your practice as it relates to your subject discipline.

Developmental Comments for LO3

You have referenced aspects of the subject discipline within your written work, however this lacks depth and critical engagement with the subject area and how your work relates to these practices.

I knew I wanted to do print under the umbrella of Illustration, but my written work concentrated more on the process of print and I neglected my subject matter (birds).  Why birds and what was I trying to say with my subject matter? My research was underdeveloped and although my presentation and essay for this unit attempted to locate my practice.  I was struggling to provide an effective analysis within contemporary Illustration. 

The learning outcome comments for Strategies practice 1 helped me to mentally digest and understand what my relation to contemporary Illustration would be within my practice, and what it evoked and signified. This unit was a huge learning curve as it would outline the expectation of researching and writing at an academic level!

Work from Strategies Practice 1
lasar engraving print

Wood block print

Lasar engraving print

Solar plate print

Lasar engraving print

Learning Outcomes for Strategies Practice 2

LO1- Knowledge of a broad range of theories practices and technologies that have influenced and transformed your practice.

Developmental Comments LO1

There is a sense that you are beginning to understand how to utilize and apply your knowledge of a broad range of theories, practices and technologies to your illustration work.

After Strategies practice one I started to really explore contemporary illustration and practicing artists that encompassed my subject matter of birds.  Charlie Harper and his screen prints of birds became a large influence within my work.  Harper focused on the shape and color of birds because his theory was a bird could never be looked at long enough to develop the detail within sketches because when one got close enough to these creatures they would fly away.  I started playing with my drawings in a simple and colorful way to create a visual language that could later gravitate towards a narrative. I started experimenting this proved to be a successful stepping stone towards my Masters project.

LO2- An ability to select, develop and critically evaluate spatial, aesthetic, technical and cultural principles in the development of your practice.

Developmental Comments for LO2

There is evidence that you are critically evaluating your experimental in order to move your practice forward.

Upon experimentation I started to research birds and their migration patterns and environments. I started looking at symbolic meaning of birds and animals in art. This research would help me in developing singular narrative illustration through the media of print. 

LO3- An Application of conceptual and a practical understanding of methodologies, materials and techniques that is relevant to your practice. 

Developmental Comments for LO3

Through applying conceptual and practical understanding of methodologies, materials and techniques you have identified your individual direction.

I conquer that my understanding of methodologies and research had helped me to initiate a direction in my work with materials and techniques of print.  My visual understanding started to develop in my practice and this would encourage my practice in illustration. 

LO4- An ability to present appropriate research and originality, informed by exploration, which helps redefine your individual practice, and how such research contributes to the contextualisation of that practice.

Developmental Comments for LO4

You have presented and contextualized your practice by examining appropriate research sources and this is evident in the practice and study plan.

Although I have contextualized my work through research I had to focus on understanding the strengths and weaknesses within my practice in order to accelerate my progress towards my Masters project.

Strategies 2 helped me in the progression of my practice and a better understanding of what I wanted to achieve and for the audience I want to achieve it for (children). Upon completing Strategies 2 I was more focused and had started to outline work for my Master project through my study plan and illustrations.

Digital print of illustrated bird feet (Migration)

Silkscreen print inspired by Charlie Harper

Silkscreen abstract of birds in flight

Silkscreen print of a illustration of a taxidermy bird

Silkscreen print of a study of a bird from the Ruselle cotes  Museum
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Learning Outcomes for Research Methodologies

LO1- Knowledge and understanding of a specific range of research methodologies and design processes applicable to your practice.

Developmental Comments for LO1

You have provided evidence that you have met the learning outcome at a satisfactory and competent level.

LO2- An ability to critically evaluate a range of research methods and originally through application of appropriate methodologies and design processes.

Developmental Comments LO2

You have provided evidence that you have met the learning outcome threshold level.

LO3- identified, presented and effectively communicated a critical and analytical rationale for your chosen methodologies and processes.

Developmental Comments LO3

You have provided evidence that you have met the learning outcome at threshold level.

I met the learning outcomes required to satisfactory or threshold level, however I still had to provide evidence of analysis and critical evaluation in detail as my content was to brief.  I still needed to work on depth and content in context and expectations of academic rigour. 

Each unit and their outcomes provided concise criticism in the development of my practice and was compelling towards my progression during my Masters and this will be evident during my Master project.

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